Members must be financial at the date of the meeting to attend the meeting and vote. Members’ unable to attend may nominate a proxy who must be a financial member at the time of nomination as member’s proxy. Such nominations are to be on the form attached.

Individual Members are allowed ONE VOTE on all or any matters presented at the Annual General Meeting. Corporate Members are allows TWO VOTES on all or any matters presented at the Annual General Meeting. Members of these categories are requested to name their delegates with voting rights for the Annual General Meeting in writing on the form attached prior to the commencement of the meeting.

DDUG and GST (Goods and Services Tax)
DDUG has an income of less than $A100,000 per annum. This means the Group, as a Non-Profit Body, is not required to register for GST. Our invoices therefore do not include any GST component. It also means the Group cannot claim any credits for Input Tax for the GST included in the price of goods and services we buy on your behalf. If our income were to increase, the Board may choose to review this matter of GST registration.
DDUG and Auditors
DDUG is not a Prescribed Association (e.g. we do not have an income of $200,000 or gross assets of $500,000) and are not required to have external auditors (paid or unpaid).
Last update: MJM 23JUL2010